Here is one of our students shooting for platinum record selling and grammy winning band Switchfoot at the Tabernacle in Atlanta, GA.
We have a lot to offer our students and the community, but what’s most exciting about our educational model is our career pipeline. The Dynamo Studios career pipeline is a model that allows for students to participate in professional opportunities in the music industry around Chattanooga and the greater Chattanooga region. These opportunities are what many pros dream of experiencing. We firmly believe that the most growth occurs when students are in the community working with professionals in a professional setting beyond the classroom. Through our strategic partnerships, students will have the opportunity to work with some of the biggest names in the music industry. World renowned artists to industry leading brands to some of the most reputable names in the local music industry. This is what Dynamo Studios is all about. Equipping students with skills and then opening doors to life changing opportunities!
These opportunities are reserved for our most dedicated students. We are so excited to provide students with these sorts of opportunities, but with great opportunity comes great responsibility and expectation. You don’t have to be the best of the best. You have to show us that you are willing to work for these opportunities and that you can handle high pressure situations with professionals. That being said, our requirements are minimal, but iron clad.
All students that wish to participate in the Dynamo Studios Career Pipeline must complete at least SIX programs before being considered for the opportunity.
These programs must be in subjects related to the opportunity.
ex. If we are shooting photos for a major music festival, then students that wish to participate must complete at least six photography classes with Dynamo Studios.
We want ALL of our students to have a chance to participate in these professional opportunities, but we can only allow students to participate that we, in our professional opinions, believe 1) have earned it and 2) can handle these sorts of high pressure environments.
If we do not allow you to participate in an opportunity, its not because we don’t like you or believe in you. It’s because we feel that you may need to more time to refine your skills. Trust us - you DO NOT want to be in one of these high pressure environments ill equipped. You will hate it. The artists will hate. You don’t want us to just throw you in before you are ready.
That being said, we will work with you and get you where you need to be so that, when the time is right, you can participate in these awesome opportunities.
ALL students that wish to participate in these opportunities must complete an interview with a Dynamo Studios instructor. We aren’t going to grill you with questions. We just want to have a conversation and treat you like professionals.
If you are getting interviewed, then chances are we have a decent rapport with you and we know your heart/character.
The interview will be a chance for us to ask you questions and really get you in the loop with what to expect. No pressure. Its part of us treating you like professionals. We respect you and we care about you. Because of that, we will always do whatever we can to set you up for success!
We reserve the right to refuse any student this opportunity if we determine that the opportunity is not appropriate for the student. Refusal of career pipeline opportunities will never be based on gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation.