Dynamo Studios is a 501(c)3 with a focus on education and community development based in Chattanooga, TN. Within the engineering world, a dynamo is a mechanical device used to generate electricity. Rather than generating electricity, Dynamo Studios acts as a resource for students and musicians to generate growth and success in the world of education, as well as in the music industry. Our goal is for Dynamo Studios to be the catalyst in a student's or musician's life that allows them to realize their full potential through innovative, collaborative production-based learning programs.
Our team uses a holistic approach to fully impact our students. It’s not about one program or one opportunity. We are methodical about long-term investment in students that leads to real observable impact in our students’ lives through consistent and calculated programming. While other programs focus on one specific point of impact (which is fine), we use multiple tiers of programming and work to impact our students. We focus heavily on skills development, mentorship/mental health development, and professional opportunities to achieve real growth.. Not just one or the other – All of which is implemented through the lens of the music industry. The music industry is our choice of catalyst because it allows for such a robust and wide-reaching impact on our students. It’s not just musicianship. It’s digital literacy, technical excellence, business development, strategy, marketing, media production, web design, innovation, team development, etc. etc. Not only that, the music industry is outrageously engaging. One of the few commonalities shared by the overwhelming majority of people on the planet is the love and appreciation of music. We use that shared love and interest as our foundation for engaging and inspiring students.
In other words, Dynamo Studios creates an environment where education, the arts, and technology come together as one cohesive unit with the community and innovative thinkers, resulting in exponential cultural, entrepreneurial, and community growth.
As an organization, our mission is to provide an environment and resources for students to harness their creative potential using the arts (studio production and music), education, and technology as a catalyst to promote cultural growth, community growth, and real-world opportunities for participants at a free or reduced rate.
The origin of the word Dynamo is a combination of the Greek words dynamis (to power) and dynasthai (to be able). This perfectly summarizes what we aim to achieve with our students -- We want to “empower them to be able.”
The Magic of Dynamo
What makes our programs so special is that we take learning well beyond the typical classroom experience. Participating students are paired with professional creatives in the community where they are able to apply what they have learned in a real-world professional setting.
Not only that, we also bring in creatives to partner with teachers and students in their classrooms. This allows us to bridge the gap between the professional world and the academic world.
By putting industry-leading equipment in the hands of students and creating high-level opportunities for students to apply what they’ve learned in the real world, we are aiming to change the trajectory of their lives.
Self Actualization: The realization or fulfillment of one's talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone. Achieved through relationships, mentorship, skills development (education), and professional opportunities.
Career Readiness: The process of preparing students of any age with the essential skills they need to find, acquire, maintain, and grow within a job, as defined by Applied Educational Skills. Career readiness includes development in communication, critical thinking, professional skills, soft skills, etc.
In-School Programs
Extracurricular Programs
Career Pipeline and Workforce Development Opportunities
Our programming is the foundation by which all of our impact is achieved. EVERYTHING that we do as an organization is centered around education programs and opportunities. Our programs are what make Dynamo Studios unique and what equip students to achieve greatness. The entirety of Dynamo Studios’ mission is achieved by highly effective and highly impact-driven programming catered to the hyper-specific needs of the communities that we serve.
In-School Programming
First Stage of Direct Impact
Dynamo Studios’ in school programming is the most robust learning opportunity our students have access to. We believe that to fully make the difference we hope to achieve with our students, we need to take our programs to them, not bank on them coming to us.
We believe, on a fundamental level, that all students should have access to these resources as part of their FREE and PUBLIC education. As a result of this belief, the vast majority of our programming is based in a handful of schools that we have strategically partnered with within the communities that we serve.
All partner schools follow a 6th grade - 12th grade model. The reason this model is significant is that students participating in our in-school programs will theoretically graduate high school with more professional experience and stronger resumes than most college graduates that wish to pursue a path in the modern creative industries contained within the music industry at large. This allows for our students to be fully prepared to enter directly into the workforce or pursue advanced degrees within their focus areas.
In addition to professional skills development in-school programming is where most of the soft skills and intrapersonal skills development happen for our students. Our first stage of engagement with mentorship happens at the school because in-school partnerships allow for the community stakeholders to easily engage with and support students directly. Community engagement in schools is an imperative component of any successful community and it’s something that must become a priority within Chattanooga if we, as a city, hope to ever address the disparities and challenges facing our city.
Extracurricular Programming
Second Stage of Direct Impact
Dynamo Studios’ extracurricular programming is any and all programs that happen outside of the confines of the regular school day on school grounds. Extracurricular programming includes after-school clubs, off-campus programs, programming at partner locations, and our teaching studio.
This second stage of programming is what allows Dynamo Studios to continue our work with students beyond what the traditional school day allows for at our partner schools. Extracurricular programming can be catered to specific student groups but really the idea is to create robust opportunities that are open to the community as a whole. This allows for learning beyond what can be achieved through in-school partnerships and allows for other students in the community to take advantage of the programming and opportunities we offer our in-school students.
Extracurricular programs allow for easy engagement and partnership with a wide variety of community organizations. This includes schools wishing to introduce creative industries programs, arts organizations, boys and girls clubs, rec centers, etc. Through these program partnerships, Dynamo Studios is able to provide personnel, program resources, tech resources, curriculum, and programming models.
Programming outside the scope of the school day also allows for collaboration and connection between organizations that we partner with in addition to bridging the gap between students in the various communities that we serve.
Career Pipeline and Workforce Development:
Third Stage of Direct Impact.
We have a lot to offer our students and the community, but what’s most exciting about our educational model is our career pipeline. The Dynamo Studios career pipeline is a model that allows students to participate in professional opportunities in the music industry around Chattanooga and the greater Chattanooga region. These opportunities are what many pros dream of experiencing. We firmly believe that the most growth occurs when students are in the community working with professionals in a professional setting beyond the classroom. Through our strategic partnerships, students will have the opportunity to work with some of the biggest names in the music industry. World-renowned artists to industry-leading brands to some of the most reputable names in the local music industry. This is what Dynamo Studios is all about. Equipping students with skills and then opening doors to life-changing opportunities!
Mentorship Programming:
Third Stage of Direct Impact.
Mentorship is an essential component of achieving success in the music industry (and every other industry). It’s also been proven to successfully combat trauma and challenges encountered in adolescence. As a direct response to poverty, trauma, and a drive to support the needs presented by the diverse student community that we serve, we staff a full-time position to direct a robust mentorship program supporting students within and well beyond the classroom.
Students are paired with creative industry professionals in the local community that serve as mentors to the students. These mentors support student mental health development and they also work with students on creating professional experiences where the students apply what they've been learning in consistent professional settings.
According to Capital Partners for Education….
Mentored students are 130% more likely to hold leadership positions.
Mentored students are 55% more likely to enroll in college.
If you were to ask any creative industry professional if they had a mentor, they would immediately list off a handful of people that have poured into them and offered guidance/support through various stages of their career. Mentorship could look like a weekly coffee meeting, phone calls in times of need, connecting mentees to professional opportunities, or job opportunities. Regardless of what form mentorship takes, it plays one of the most significant roles in the development of young professionals (and healthy people in general for that matter). Not only is mentorship an essential component of professional success, but it's also an essential tool for combating trauma and helping students reach Self Actualization.
This new program was created specifically for our black and Hispanic/LatinX middle/high school students. This program requires a full-time staff member. We see this as a very legitimate endeavor to pursue because it amplifies our impact and is a direct response to poverty addressing a need presented by a diverse community supporting our diverse student community. Ideally, this program, the mentor training model, and the resources model could be replicated by other organizations to fit their own missions thus increasing the impact exponentially.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses the term Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to describe all types of abuse, neglect, and other traumatic experiences that occur to youth under the age of 18. ACEs include things like exposure to substance use in the home, domestic violence, racism, or divorce, which cause toxic stress and can lead to risky health behaviors, chronic health conditions, low life potential, and early death. As the number of ACEs a person experiences increases, so does the risk of potentially negative life outcomes:
Injury (fractures, traumatic brain injury, burns)
Mental Health (depression, anxiety, suicide, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Maternal Health (unintended pregnancy, pregnancy complications, fetal death)
Infectious Diseases (HIV, sexually transmitted diseases)
Chronic Disease (cancer, diabetes)
Risky Behaviors (alcohol and substance misuse, unsafe sex)
However, the presence of ACEs does not necessarily mean an individual will experience poor health outcomes. Positive life experiences and/or protective factors can prevent children from going through adversity and experiencing negative life situations.
Out-of-School Time programs, including formal and informal mentoring programs, provide a variety of protective factors that lower a child’s chance of experiencing ACEs. These programs offer children safe places to play outside of school hours, free or affordable facilities for engaging in health and wellness activities, social opportunities, and chances to connect youth to their peers.
We accomplish the goal of addressing trauma experienced by inner-city youth and career opportunity amplification by pairing students with mentors that are professionals in the local creative community.
Mentors will provide student training, guidance, and education in these five areas:
a. Self-Identity
b. Cultural Competence & Knowledge
c. Discipline & Integrity
d. Appearance
a. Academics
b. Professional Development
c. Life Preparation
d. Organization Skills
a. Physical Wellbeing
b. Mental Health
a. Community Involvement
b. Charity
a. Spirituality
b. Collaboration with Professionals
c. Communication
d. The Arts
Many mentoring programs serve youth who directly or indirectly experience trauma or ACEs. The NRPA recommends training mentors and program staff on how to recognize and address ACEs and apply a trauma-informed approach. We will be partnering with Tyler Orr Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC/MHSP), National Certified Counselor (NCC), EMDRIA-approved consultant, and owner of Chattanooga Center for Mind-Body Therapy, to create a counseling and counseling training program specifically for our mentorship partners so that they have the proper training to support our students and lead them on a path to mental/physical health and career success.
Focus Areas for Growth:
Mental Health
Healthy Living
Professional Skills Development
Connection to Professional Opportunities
Cognitive Development
Critical Thinking
Number of Students: 100-150
This program is designed specifically to support students in the communities we serve and take them a step beyond what can be accomplished in a traditional inner-city classroom. With that being said, we will select a handful of students that participate in our current programs while also accepting students upon teacher, counselor, and school administrator recommendation.
Dynamo Sponsored Programs
Direct and Indirect Impact
Dynamo Studios Sponsored Programs are built around the model of an active and ongoing partnership between Dynamo Studios and a partner organization. In these instances, the partner organization will hire a staff member to run the program and Dynamo Studios will provide resources, training, curriculum, and ongoing support for the duration of the program. Ideally, these will be robust long-term programs -- such as music or media production programs at a school that fills the role of a related arts class.
Additionally, this model allows us to come in and revamp or support pre-existing programs with ease. For example, a school may have a traditional music program where students are losing interest and aren’t engaged because the program is too heavily focused on classical training or low-energy band programs. With that being said, we believe band classes are very important, but we do believe there is a better way to carry out those programs. With a traditional band program, we would be able to integrate music production and audio engineering into their pre-existing curriculum model, fully train their teachers, provide equipment and support grant-making allowing for the expansion of resources as the program grows. In this scenario, a teacher is now better equipped to engage their students while taking the scope of what the students are learning far beyond what would traditionally be taught.
Provision or Resources
Artist/Career Development
Provision of Services
Connection to Professional Opportunities
Chattanooga as a Viable Option for Creatives
Chattanooga is an incredible, small-midsize city with an incredibly vibrant and diverse history. Geographically, it is positioned to be a hub for just about any industry in existence due to being in close proximity to several major metropolitan areas. With that being said, Chattanooga SHOULD be primed to be a major hub for the music industry and creative industries, but unfortunately, it is not. There is an extreme lack of resources here that are necessary for the development and growth of a music economy and creative economy. Through the provision of high-level resources, services, and professional opportunities, we are hopeful that Chattanooga will become a viable option for creatives and music industry professionals.
We believe that ACTIVE community engagement in the lives of students and the educational process is an essential component of any thriving city. Our goal is to alleviate any friction points or hurdles that make it difficult for the community to get involved and we also want to heavily incentivize that collaboration. Once people get in the door and bond with students over shared interests/passions like music production, photo, video, design, etc is when the real magic happens in changing the trajectory of a student’s life. It also leads to community members falling in love with serving and engaging with students and schools.
In exchange for resources, professional services, and connections to professional opportunities, creatives and music industry professionals that we partner with must be actively engaged in our work with students. This means that they must be actively engaged in programs, schools, investments in student success, and student well-being.
This model strategically incentivizes professionals making a point to consistently and intentionally work with students while simultaneously providing a means for students to support those that are supporting them through an educational exchange resulting in shared student growth and growth for the professionals.